
final decisions

Life forces enough final decisions on us (...)
We should have the sense to avoid
as many of the unnecessary ones as we can.

John Irving
'Until I Find You'




Either there are no coincidences in this town, 
or everything in this town
 is a coincidence.

John Irving
'Until I Find You'



heaven or hell

Listen: it’s got to be all honeymoon, always.
 Either heaven, or hell: 
no comfortable safe peaceful purgatory between 
for you and me to wait in until good behavior or forbearance 
or shame or repentance overtakes us.

William Faulkner 
 'The Wild Palms'




I remember one morning getting up at dawn...
there was such a sense of possibility...
and I remember thinking to myself,

'This is the beginning of happiness,
this is where it starts and of course
there will always be more.'

It never occurred to me
it wasn't the beginning,
it was happiness.

The Hours 
director: Stephen Daldry


good things

We have a tendency to believe good things will last forever.
It is in our nature.
The Beatles, for example. Oh, they'll be around forever. The Sopranos - that show will always be on the air.
Philip Roth's Zuckerman series. Springsteen concerts. 
Good things are rare.
They're to be cherished because they always leave us too soon.

Harlan Coben
'Live Wire'


the beginning

We live in the mind, in ideas, in fragments.
Henry Miller

'Fragments of Thought' - Filomena de Andrade Booth